Many congratulations to Wendy Lowe and David Hodson for their successful grading for the coveted 3rd Dan Black Belt in Sankukai Karate. Wendy and David performed to a very high standard impressing Chief Instructor Rob Lock. David age 12yrs from Brierley Hill started training at the tender of 5 as a Little Dragon. His focus, dedication and determination has been incredible for a student so young. David is an excellent role model to our younger members at the Academy. Wendy has also trained for several years and only joined up intially to keep her daughter company. It was soon discovered that Wendy was very talented and dedicated to her training , attending as many as five to six sessions a week. Wendy is also a valuable member of our Instructor Team encouraging youngsters and adults to improve their standard and skills. Well done and well deserved to both Wendy and David.